Narcissist or Not?

Often, people throw the term ‘narcissist’ around without a real understanding of what it means. This is far more than someone just having an overinflated sense of self but also combines a total lack of empathy for anyone else as well as low self-esteem and being...

Never Stop Talking

 We commit to weekly day-dates because we know the importance of spending time with each other and talking  But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy… In fact for the last couple of weeks it’s been incredibly hard… For various reasons which have felt like they’ve been...

How To Make More Time For Self-Care

Practising self-care is not self-indulgent or selfish; it’s essential, both for us and for those around us. I often say, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and this is exactly what self-care is about. It’s about recharging your batteries so that you are able to do the...

Self-limiting Beliefs

Last week we had a fantastic live session in the Happy and Fulfilled group talking about self-limiting beliefs. Why we have them and how to get rid of them. Self-limiting beliefs usually form in our early years in response to difficult experiences and negative...

All relationships are hard…

All relationships are hard… even the ones that look perfect on the outside are also hard in their own way. Most relationships require constant commitment and hard work. As we grow and change as individuals, so our relationships have to grow and change too, bending and...