Surviving to Thriving Group Coaching

Therapeutic Relationship & Life Coach 

This course is designed for Mums who want to heal their childhood wounds in order to raise Happy and Thriving children x

Do You Want To Go From Surviving to Thriving?

This membership program is going to change your LIFE!


If you recognise yourself in any of these statements, keep reading.


  • Your life is a success on paper: beautiful children, lovely home, good career, but deep down you feel something is missing.
  • Your relationship has lost its spark and become a bit dull and unfulfilling.
  • Maybe you’re single and not sure who you are outside of a relationship.
  • Your childhood has left you with a pain that still hurts and you fear making the same mistakes again.
  • You’ve been so busy looking after everyone else that you’ve forgotten how to look after yourself. You’re just struggling to get everything done.


Now… take a deep breath. After my Surviving to Thriving membership program, you’ll have met (and come to love) the joyful and empowered you.


  • You understand yourself, your needs, and your expectations
  • You actively create the life you truly deserve
  • You communicate clearly and lovingly with your partner, family and friends
  • You treat yourself the way you want your loved ones to treat themselves… you are the role model for your children


Want to know more? Ok, so here’s what it looks like:


Module One: Goals

  • Figuring out where are you now
  • Evaluating what is working well for you
  •  Choosing what you need to change

This can be in terms of family life, self-confidence, work, travel… whatever you want.

By the end of this module

You’ll be so excited to know that you have clarity around what you want for yourself and your family in order to have the life you really want.


Module Two: Family History

  •  Examining what family life looked like for you growing up
  • Reflecting on how you viewed and received love as a child
  • Recognizing what you learned about communication

This is where your sense of ‘self’ began. Do you love yourself? Do you value yourself? If you don’t, here’s your time to start!

By the end of this module

You’ll understand how to process and let go of your unpleasant childhood experiences so you’re empowered and confident to show up now as the woman, mother and partner you want to be.


Module Three: Inner Work

  • We carry on from the previous module and go into deeper detail here
  • Boost your confidence and improve your self-worth
  • Seek out your self-limiting beliefs to strengthen your mindset.

By the end of this module

you’ll have a good understanding of how your goals and aspirations, childhood experiences, confidence and mindset, are all linked together. Now we can start to move you forward, confident and self-assured to the life you want to create for yourself!


Module Four: Communication

  • We examine how you talk to your loved ones and yourself
  • Strengthen your communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Practice modelling respectful dialogue (listening and responding) for your children

By the end of this module

you’ll have a deeper insight into your communication style and how to make it as positive, respectful and effective as possible


Module Five: Tribes and Influencers

  • Take a closer look at who the main people in your life are and how they affect you
  • Discover who really encourages and supports you (this can be surprising and is a true game-changer for many of my clients)
  • Suss out your sneaky influencers to stop them from draining your energy – these are the people who have you questioning yourself, your motivations, dreams and choices

By the end of this module

You’ll have a much clearer idea of the people you spend the most time with, who makes you happy and who sucks your energy and joy.


Module Six: Self-Care

  • Recognise why you have not put yourself first more often
  • Identify some things that you would love to do but have never really had the time, energy or confidence to do until now
  • Start prioritising yourself and doing the things that make you happy while loving and caring for everyone else…. In fact, you can care for your loved ones even better once you learn to look after yourself!

By the end of this module

You’ll be learning to give yourself permission to do what makes your heart happy!


Are you still with me?? Can you see how life changing this course can be for you?

So, how does it work??



The course runs for six weeks (next one starting Sunday 14th February 2021)


It’s delivered as a combination of work you do alone and work we do together.


Each week you’ll receive a short video with worksheets to complete on your own time. We will then come together as a group once a week for a Live Q&A Zoom call on a Wednesday evening at 18.00 UK time.


On the Zoom call we will be able to go through each module in a bit more detail and answer/share any questions, thoughts and revelations you have.


We will have a private Facebook group which is open to all members of the program to share their thoughts, ask questions and get support from other group members. 


What I have learned over the years having run many groups in many different guises is that the strength of the group comes from the group members. 


You powerful, amazing women are able to help and support each other in a fantastic way which only serves to strengthen and enrich the group experience.


Of course, I am there to facilitate and support the group. If anything comes up that you need to discuss privately, I am available to talk it through with you.



So, how much does it cost?


I’m delighted to be able to offer this group to you for £997!!

I am also delighted to offer a payment plan option of £120 for 10 payments to make it even more accessible.

For this price you will get: the 6 week course which you can repeat as many times as you like… once you buy it, it’s yours! You will have the 6 LIVE Q&A sessions as well as life-time access to the private Facebook group.

I know this group is Transformational!!! 

If you have got this far, then you know that it’s time for something to change… and I’m not talking about small changes which you don’t maintain. I’m talking BIG changes which will not only last a lifetime but will also improve the lives for your family too!

You know you’re ready to step into your next zone and begin treating yourself how you wish to be treated. The only person that can do this for you is YOU!!



No one is going to give you the permission to love yourself more than you…. So stop hesitating, stop worrying about the ‘how’s, when’s and ifs’, and sign up for this program now!!

You know it makes sense!

Let me know that you’re ‘in’ and I’ll send you a short contract of our work together, along with the payment information.

And of course, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Love and best wishes, 

Pascale x