Time for Change

Took Amélie out on my 4th run yesterday…. having never run in my entire life (literally never!!) I am doing surprisingly well!! My moment of truth was a few months ago when my youngest fell over in the playground and I couldn’t run to her even though she was...

Patterns of Behaviour

Ok so this comes up all the time in the work that I do. How much do you feel your childhood has influenced your adult relationships, either with your partner or as a parent? Stories that you’ve been told, stories that you’ve heard, family dynamics that you’ve...

Self Sabotage

I feel like this week has been mostly about challenges.. not necessarily  physical challenges but mental and emotional challenges.   It’s been a great week work wise for myself and also for my best friend who has completely pushed herself and is now really...

What Message Are We Sending Our Children?

  Let’s think about the messages we send out to our children and how they are experiencing family life. If you are in a difficult family situation, an unhappy relationship or a toxic household, what do you imagine your children are learning about family...